// Battle orders script - Use this for 2+ characters (for example BO barb + sorc) → 有人知道這個是要把斜線取消嗎 AND 括弧內的角色名子怎麼打
Scripts.BattleOrders = true;
Config.BattleOrders.Mode = 1; // 0 = give BO, 1 = get BO
Config.BattleOrders.Wait = true; // Idle until the player that received BO leaves.
Config.BattleOrders.Getters = [""]; // List of players to wait for before casting Battle Orders (mode 0). All players must be in the same area as the BOer.
// Battle orders script - Use this for 2+ characters (for example BO barb + sorc) → 有人知道這個是要把斜線取消嗎 AND 括弧內的角色名子怎麼打
Scripts.BattleOrders = true;
Config.BattleOrders.Mode = 1; // 0 = give BO, 1 = get BO <<這邊設定
Config.BattleOrders.Wait = true; // Idle until the player that received BO leaves.
Config.BattleOrders.Getters = ["腳色ID"]; // List of players to wait for before casting Battle Orders (mode 0). All players must be in the same area as the BOer.