本帖最后由 yfzh2012 于 2018-7-12 11:20 编辑
目前感觉是又出了新状况,现象是 ban IP 时间大大缩短了,大约为5分钟-6分钟,而且似乎跟账户或者cdkey 相关,如果我重置IP ,这个账户的角色也不能马上加入游戏,一定要等够时间
,而且千万在这段时间里不要反复登录,否则似乎这个时间长度会一直重置,因此 我再次调整了延迟 ,目前看下来一上午确实没再重置过路由器IP
JoinRetryDelay: 310, // Time in seconds to wait before next join attempt
SwitchKeyDelay: 5, // Seconds to wait before switching a used/banned key or after realm down
CrashDelay: 45, // Seconds to wait after a d2 window crash
RealmDownDelay: 6, // Minutes to wait after getting Realm Down message
UnableToConnectDelay: 15, // Minutes to wait after Unable To Connect message
// Put your lines under this one. Multiple entries are separated by commas. No comma after the last one.
"pal": {JoinDelay: 10},
"bar": {JoinDelay: 30},
"dps": {JoinDelay: 20},
"dps1": {JoinDelay: 35},
"dps2": {JoinDelay: 40},
"dps3": {JoinDelay: 45},
"dps4": {JoinDelay: 50},