楼主 |
发表于 2018-2-2 22:13:50
MfHelper 只有這些![](static/image/smiley/baozi/em09.gif)
Scripts.TristramLeech = false; // Enters Tristram, attempts to stay close to the leader and will try and help kill.
Scripts.TravincalLeech = false; // Enters portal at back of Travincal.
Config.TravincalLeech.Helper = true; // If set to true the character will teleport to the stairs and help attack.
Scripts.MFHelper = true; // Run the same MF run as the MFLeader. Leader must have Config.MFLeader = true
Scripts.Wakka = false; // Walking chaos leecher with auto leader assignment, stays at safe distance from the leader
Scripts.SealLeecher = false; // Enter safe portals to Chaos. Leader should run SealLeader.
Scripts.DiabloHelper = true; // Chaos helper, kills monsters and doesn't open seals on its own.
Config.DiabloHelper.Wait = 120; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Chaos. If Config.Leader is set, it will wait only for the leader.
Config.DiabloHelper.Entrance = true; // Start from entrance. Set to false to start from star.
Config.DiabloHelper.SkipTP = false; // Don't wait for town portal and directly head to chaos. It will clear monsters around chaos entrance and wait for the runner.
Config.DiabloHelper.SkipIfBaal = false; // End script if there are party members in a Baal run.
Scripts.AutoBaal = false; // Baal leecher with auto leader assignment
Config.AutoBaal.FindShrine = false; // false = disabled, 1 = search after hot tp message, 2 = search as soon as leader is found
Config.AutoBaal.LeechSpot = [15115, 5050]; // X, Y coords of Throne Room leech spot
Config.AutoBaal.LongRangeSupport = false; // Cast long distance skills from a safe spot
Scripts.BaalHelper = true;
Config.BaalHelper.Wait = 120; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Throne
Config.BaalHelper.KillNihlathak = false; // Kill Nihlathak before going to Throne
Config.BaalHelper.FastChaos = false; // Kill Diablo before going to Throne
Config.BaalHelper.DollQuit = false; // End script if Dolls (Undead Soul Killers) are found.
Config.BaalHelper.KillBaal = true; // Kill Baal. If set to false, you must configure Config.QuitList or the bot will wait indefinitely.
Config.BaalHelper.SkipTP = false; // Don't wait for a TP, go to WSK3 and wait for someone to go to throne. Anti PK measure.
Scripts.Follower = false; // Script that follows a manually played leader around like a merc. For a list of commands, see Follower.js