D2NT for Diablo II 1.13c
D2NT.dll : Core + SpiderMonkey 1.8 RC1 + NSPR 4.8.4
D2NT Manager.exe : D2NT OOG Manager
D2NT ManagerKOR.dll : Korean MUI
D2NT ManagerLOC.dll : English MUI
1. Copy D2NT files to any folder (DO NOT COPY to Diablo II folder or Diablo II\'s sub-folder)
2. Run D2NT Manager.exe
[D2NT Core]
3.1 - Now, Say() function supports unicode string
Fixed item.itemdesc in case of merc\'s item
Fixed crash bug when calling SetStatusText() function with long string
* Max length is 39
3.0 - Added unit.GetOptimalAttackPos(area_id, target_x, target_y, search_range, collision_mask) function
Added unit.gid type to GetUnit(unittype, [classid,name,gid]) function
Added control.pressed
Added item.itemflag, item.itemprefix, item.itemsuffix
* In case, item type is magic or runeword
Improved item.itemdesc
Changed unit.spectype value
* 0x01 : All
* 0x02 : Super Unique
* 0x04 : Champion
* 0x08 : Boss
* 0x10 : Minion
Changed unit.gid type to double
Removed item.GetFlag() function
Removed item.runeword
2.1 - Added me.GetSkillStatus(skillid) function
* 0 : available skill, 6 : aura skill, 8 : unavailable skill (casting delay or etc)
Added unit.GetRoom() function
* get unit\'s current room
Added chicken/hostile log
Fixed unit.GetStat(92) (Item\'s level requirement)
2.0.1 - Fixed me.TakeWaypoint() function (D2 original)
Fixed me.ClickItem() function (for Store-item)
* Now you can make Shopbot script
2.0 - Rewrote me.TakeWaypoint() function
Improved GetBaseStat() function\'s performance
Fixed unit.GetStat(31)
* GetStat(31) : Total defense
* GetStat(31, 0) : Plus defense
1.9.1 - If unittype is object, unit.GetParent() will return parent\'s name
Fixed crash bug in fullscreen
1.9 - Added unit.subareaid
Added presetunit.areaid and presetunit.subareaid
Added sdk\\quests.txt
Improved GetPath() and GetPresetUnits() function\'s stability
Now Include() function\'s rootpath is \"scripts\" folder
1.8.5 - Fixed me.ClickItem() function (for SubmitItem())
Fixed Say() function in game
1.8.4 - Added SubmitItem() function (Imbue, Orifice, Add Sockets)
* Item must be on cursor
Fixed crash bug when calling GetPath() function
Fixed Say() function in channel
Improved GetBaseStat() function\'s performance
Updated sdk\\uiflag.txt information
1.8.3 - Supported ANSI/UTF-8/Unicode script
Show correct Tal Rasha\'s tomb on automap
Fixed wrong stash position in me.ClickItem() function (D2 original)
Fixed unit.itemloc in case of equipped item
1.8.2 - Fixed crazy esc key
1.8.1 - Added me.revealautomap, me.showenemyonautomap, me.showmissileonautomap variables;
Fixed crash bug when using maphack
Fixed bug that displayed invalid unit on automap
Fixed ClickMap() function
Removed RevealAutoMap() function
Removed ShowUnitOnAutomap() function
1.8 - Added RevealAutoMap() function
Added SetStatusText() function
Added ShowUnitOnAutomap() function
Added unit.IsAttackable() function
Changed Cancel() function (0 : Cancel current menu, 1 : Cancel all menu)
Rewrote ClickMap(), Say(), Transmute() functions
Rewrote me.ClickItem(), me.ClickMercItem(), me.Repair(), me.SwapWeapons() functions
Removed me.ShopItem() function. use me.ClickItem()
Removed JS32.dll. D2NT.dll included SpiderMonkey 1.8 RC1 and NSPR 4.8
1.7.2 - Added me.maxgametime (default value is 0 and 0 is infinite)
1.7.1 - Added me.charloc
Fixed multi-client when using one D2 copy
1.7 - Added unit.shrinetype (see sdk/shrines.txt)
Improved ClickMap() function
Removed SetStatusText() function
Removed me.windowtitle
Hook no longer D2\'s functions
1.6 - Improved GetPath() function (applied A* algorithm)
Fixed crash bug when game is terminated by user
Fixed unit.itemdesc
1.5 - Updated SpiderMonkey 1.8
Added unit.itemdesc
Fixed bug that can\'t access unicode folder and file
Changed unit.ilvl to unit.itemlevel
1.4 - Added GetBaseStat() function
Fixed unit.GetNext() function
Fixed me.quitonhostile
Changed parameter of me.TakeWaypoint() function
1.3 - Added unit.itemclass (0 : normal, 1 : exceptional, 2 : elite)
Fixed me.UseBelt() function completely
Fixed bug that get wrong character\'s key file
1.2 - Fixed unit.GetMerc() function
Fixed me.UseBelt() function
Improved IPC
1.1 - Fixed NSPR error under Windows XP
1.0 - Initial release
[D2NT Manager]
3.1 - Supported [Minimized D2] option
Fixed restart bug when displaying system menu
3.0 - Improved item log tooltip
* Even if imagine what, is going to see more than it
Changed [Entry Point] control
2.0 - Added item log
1.9 - Added Up/Down button for List control
1.8 - Hide D2NT.dll in D2 process
1.7 - Removed IsHungAppWindow() function when checking D2 Window
1.6 - Rebuild all source code (Changed from MFC to Win32)
Added [Entry Point] option in Profile
* You can change starter script. ex) NTBot.ntj(Bot script), NTMap.ntj(Maphack script)
* If you want to use Loader only, empty a option
1.5 - Removed 30 mins time limit (In fact it was protection for in-game bug)
Improved IPC
1.4 - Use no longer D2Loader.exe (Now use D2\'s Game.exe)
Added play type (single player / closed battle.net)
1.3 - Fixed bug that can\'t close error window sometimes
1.2 - Increased loader options buffer (64 -> 96)
1.1 - Added Chickens information
Improved IPC
1.0 - Initial release |