Config.Dodge = true; // 远距离攻击模式,像sor一般请设置为true。近身职业请设置为false。 // Move away from monsters that get too close. Don't use with short-ranged attacks like Poison Dagger.
Config.DodgeRange = 15; // 距离怪物多远进行攻击。 // Distance to keep from monsters.
Config.DodgeHP = 100; // 血量低于多少百分比开始启用远距离攻击模式。100为总是启用远距离攻击模式。 // Dodge only if HP percent is less than or equal to Config.DodgeHP. 100 = always dodge.
Config.BossPriority = false; // 是否优先击杀金怪。 // Set to true to attack Unique/SuperUnique monsters first when clearing
Config.ClearType = 0; // 清场模式:0xF为跳过普通怪物,0为所有怪物全部清理。 // Monster spectype to kill in level clear scripts (ie. Mausoleum). 0xF = skip normal, 0x7 = champions/bosses, 0 = all
Config.TeleStomp = false; // 使用佣兵攻击免疫怪物。 // Use merc to attack bosses if they're immune to attacks, but not to physical damage