请教kolbot 游戏卖SOJ 时等待的问题...
//超级大菠萝设置 DClone config
Config.StopOnDClone = true; // Go to town and idle as soon as Diablo walks the Earth
Config.SoJWaitTime = 1440; // Time in minutes to wait for another SoJ sale before leaving game. 0 = disabled
Config.KillDclone = false; // Go to Palace Cellar 3 and try to kill Diablo Clone. Pointless if you already have Annihilus.
Config.DCloneQuit = false; // 1 = quit when Diablo walks, 2 = quit on soj sales, 0 = disabled
我设置了1440分钟.可是BOT还会退出游戏,并建立新的游戏? 请问要如何设置出现卖SOJ..游戏就一直等待? |