/* Format:
\"account1/password1/realm\": [\"charname1\", \"charname2 etc\"],
\"account2/password2/realm\": [\"charnameX\", \"charnameY etc\"],
\"account3/password3/realm\": [\"all\"]
To log a full account, put \"accountname/password/realm\": [\"all\"]
realm = useast, uswest, europe or asia
Individual entries are separated with a comma.
\"帳號/密碼/國度\": [\"all\"]
LogGame: [\"房名\", \"密碼\"], // [\"gamename\", \"password\"]
LogNames: true, // Put account/character name on the picture
LogItemLevel: true, // Add item level to the picture
LogEquipped: false, // include equipped items
LogMerc: false, // include items merc has equipped (if alive)
SaveScreenShot: false, // Save pictures in jpg format (saved in \'Images\' folder)
IngameTime: 20, // Time to wait after leaving game
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