Config.MFLeader = false; // Set to true if you have one or more MFHelpers. Opens TP and gives commands when doing normal MF runs.
// Boss/area scripts
// *** Diablo & Baal ***
Scripts.DiabloHelper = true; // Chaos helper, kills monsters and doesn't open seals on its own.
Config.DiabloHelper.Wait = 240; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Chaos. If Config.Leader is set, it will wait only for the leader.
Config.DiabloHelper.Entrance = false; // Start from entrance. Set to false to start from star.
Config.DiabloHelper.SkipTP = false; // Don't wait for town portal and directly head to chaos. It will clear monsters around chaos entrance and wait for the runner.
Config.DiabloHelper.SkipIfBaal = true; // End script if there are party members in a Baal run.
Scripts.BaalHelper = true;
Config.BaalHelper.Wait = 120; // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Throne
Config.BaalHelper.KillNihlathak = false; // Kill Nihlathak before going to Throne
Config.BaalHelper.FastChaos = false; // Kill Diablo before going to Throne
Config.BaalHelper.DollQuit = false; // End script if Dolls (Undead Soul Killers) are found.
Config.BaalHelper.KillBaal = true; // Kill Baal. If set to false, you must configure Config.QuitList or the bot will wait indefinitely.
Config.BaalHelper.SkipTP = false; // Don't wait for a TP, go to WSK3 and wait for someone to go to throne. Anti PK measure.
// *** act 1 ***
Scripts.Corpsefire = false;
Config.Corpsefire.ClearDen = false;
Scripts.Mausoleum = false;
Config.Mausoleum.KillBloodRaven = false;
Config.Mausoleum.ClearCrypt = false;
Scripts.Rakanishu = false;
Config.Rakanishu.KillGriswold = true;
Scripts.UndergroundPassage = false;
Scripts.Coldcrow = false;
Scripts.Tristram = false;
Config.Tristram.PortalLeech = false; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.
Scripts.Pit = false;
Config.Pit.ClearPit1 = true;
Scripts.Treehead = false;
Scripts.Smith = false;
Scripts.BoneAsh = false;
Scripts.Countess = false;
Config.Countess.KillGhosts = false;
Scripts.Andariel = false;
Scripts.Cows = false;
// *** act 2 ***
Scripts.Radament = false;
Scripts.Coldworm = false;
Config.Coldworm.KillBeetleburst = false;
Config.Coldworm.ClearMaggotLair = false; // Clear all 3 levels
Scripts.AncientTunnels = false;
Config.AncientTunnels.OpenChest = false; // Open special chest in Lost City
Config.AncientTunnels.KillDarkElder = false;
Scripts.Summoner = false;
Config.Summoner.FireEye = false;
Scripts.Tombs = false;
Scripts.Duriel = false;
// *** act 3 ***
Scripts.Stormtree = false;
Scripts.KurastTemples = false;
/* Scripts.LowerKurast = false;
Scripts.UKTemples = false;
Scripts.KTemple1 = false;
Scripts.KTemple2 = false;
Scripts.KTemple3 = false;
Scripts.KTemple4 = false;
Scripts.KTemple5 = false;
Scripts.KTemple6 = false;*/
Scripts.Icehawk = false;
Scripts.Endugu = false;
Scripts.Travincal = false;
Config.Travincal.PortalLeech = false; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.
Config.Diablo.Entrance = true; // Start from entrance
Config.Diablo.SealWarning = "Leave the seals alone!";
Config.Diablo.EntranceTP = "Entrance TP up";
Config.Diablo.StarTP = "Star TP up";
Config.Diablo.DiabloMsg = "Diablo";
Scripts.SealLeader = false; // Clear a safe spot around seals and invite leechers in. Leechers should run SealLeecher script. Don't run with Diablo or FastDiablo.
// *** act 5 ***
Scripts.Pindleskin = false;
Config.Pindleskin.UseWaypoint = false;
Config.Pindleskin.KillNihlathak = true;
Config.Pindleskin.ViperQuit = false; // End script if Tomb Vipers are found.
Scripts.Nihlathak = false;
Config.Nihlathak.ViperQuit = false; // End script if Tomb Vipers are found.
Scripts.Eldritch = false;
Config.Eldritch.OpenChest = true;
Config.Eldritch.KillShenk = true;
Config.Eldritch.KillDacFarren = true;
Scripts.Eyeback = false;
Scripts.SharpTooth = false;
Scripts.ThreshSocket = false;
Scripts.Abaddon = false;
Scripts.Frozenstein = false;
Config.Frozenstein.ClearFrozenRiver = true;
Scripts.Bonesaw = false;
Config.Bonesaw.ClearDrifterCavern = false;
Scripts.Snapchip = false;
Config.Snapchip.ClearIcyCellar = true;
Scripts.Worldstone = false;
Scripts.Baal = false;
Config.Baal.HotTPMessage = "Hot TP!";
Config.Baal.SafeTPMessage = "Safe TP!";
Config.Baal.BaalMessage = "Baal!";
Config.Baal.SoulQuit = false; // End script if Souls (Undead Soul Killers) are found.
Config.Baal.DollQuit = false; // End script if Dolls (Undead Stigyan Dolls) are found.
Config.Baal.KillBaal = true; // Kill Baal. Leaves game after wave 5 if false.
Scripts.SealLeader = false; // Clear a safe spot around seals and invite leechers in. Leechers should run SealLeecher script. Don't run with Diablo or FastDiablo.
// *** act 1 ***
Scripts.Corpsefire = false;
Config.Corpsefire.ClearDen = false;
Scripts.Mausoleum = false;
Config.Mausoleum.KillBloodRaven = false;
Config.Mausoleum.ClearCrypt = false;
Scripts.Rakanishu = false;
Config.Rakanishu.KillGriswold = true;
Scripts.UndergroundPassage = false;
Scripts.Coldcrow = false;
Scripts.Tristram = false;
Config.Tristram.PortalLeech = false; // Set to true to open a portal for leechers.