/////////////////////////////////////// // These will let you send a message with a game name password and time to your leechers
// Game Message Settings: // // var saygamename must be true for any of these to work
/////////////////////////////////////// // You cant NOT have a - in you game name it will bug it out
var saygamename = true; // Must be true for any of the game message settings to work
var nextgamemessage = \"next game should be\"; // This will come befor your next game name eg \"New game is\"
var saypassword = true; // This will togle if the bot says your game pw
var saytime = true; // This will togle if the bot says how much time till creation
var timemessage = \"in about\"; // This will come after your pw and b
下面这段可以不改 但我的为了游戏中的简洁就修改为了
// Message Settings: // // These controll what your bot sais to the leechers will also send a log incommand to a channel bot
var chatMessageOnJoin = \"\"; // Chat Message to say Login command for channel bot will only be sent once
var chatMessageAfterGame1 = \"\"; // Optional chat message Line #1 to say after each game on Channel
var chatMessageAfterGame2 = \"\"; // Optional chat message Line #2 to say after each game on Channel
var chatMessageAfterGame3 = \"\"; // Optional chat message Line #3 to say after each game on Channel
var chatMessageAfterGame4 = \"\"; // Optional chat message Line #4 to say after each game on Channel
var chatMessageAfterGame5 = \"\"; // Optional chat message Line #5 to say after each game on Channel
// characters in your game setting: //
var characterdiff = \"99\"; //use this to keep those pesky spam bots out of the f\'ing game
//note you must manually hit the check box the first time for this to work
var maxNumberOfPlayersss = \"8\"; //use this to set the maximum number of players allowed in your game
至此该leader文件就修改好了,下面修改 LeechStarter2.2.ntj 文件:找到并修改为
var leecher1 = [\"annei-nec\", 100];(填自己需要跟随的小号)
var leecher2 = [\"characterName\", 750];
var leecher3 = [\"characterName\", 1250];
var leecher4 = [\"characterName\", 2000];
// Lobby chat settings :
// Set to true to join the chat after each game (needed for JoinBot)
var joinChatAfterGame = true;(必填true)
// if this is true, will join a random channel, otherwise it will use the channel below..
var joinRandomChannel = false;(必填false)
// Name of the channel you want to join (leave blank if you want to stay in the default channel)
var joinChannelInChat = \"cn\";(和上面的leader文件中设置自己喜欢的频道的名字必须相同)
// join options
var useFL = false; // 是否使用/f l加入游戏,即用好友列表里的数据加入
var useFLCount = 1; // 在大厅内重复打/f l的次数
var delayFL = 3000; // milliseconds before the bot will use the /f l command in loby
var reEnterSameGame = false; // 意外退出游戏,是否重新加入
var useTextFileJoin = false; // 是否读txt文件加入游戏
var gameDoesNotExistDelay = 10; // time to idle before trying if leader\'s game does not exist. In seconds.
var tryLeaderGame1x = false; // will only try to enter the game one time. Good for when leader drops before leecher gets in.
// =============================================================================
// Game password (leave blank if none)
// =============================================================================
var gamepassword = \"\";(游戏房间密码) |