3.填写“Profile Name”(BOT名字,随便起) |
4.点击“Auto Detection”(点完自己复核一下Path是否指向你的暗黑游戏,主要是有多个暗黑游戏在电脑上的同学要复核一下) |
5."CD Key"填写你的CDKEY文件名,新手可以不填。 |
7." lay Type"选择游戏类型,当然是:battle.net |
8.Character Position角色位置,选你打算进行bot的char |
10.点击“OK”,关闭配置界面后,在主界面点击“SAVE” |
1.ETAL Manager主界面上,点击“RUN”! |
会弹出一个要求你输入密码的框,但是在登录的时候,你还得手动输入密码,点登录! |
等人物建好游戏,进入游戏以后,这里需要注意下,第一次进入游戏角色不会动,这时需要在ETAL Manager主界面上,点击“STOP”了 |
2.打开D2NT目录,进入\D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs目录,找到带有你char名字的那个文件,打开它,配置它! |
etal的组队详细设置(用我的大号sor和需要组队的nec为例)官网bn用 |
1 先介绍下组队只需要修改的四个文件:D2NT\scripts文件下的LeaderStarter2.2.ntj LeechStarter2.2.ntj 和 D2NT\scripts\NTBot\char_configs下的两个需要组队的角色文件,如我的NTConfig_Sorceress_Linna.ntl NTConfig_Necromancer_annei-nec.ntl(一个sor的名字是Linna ,一个nec的名字是annei-nec)
2 修改LeaderStarter2.2.ntj (此是带队的大号设定文件),打开找到
// Channel Settings: // / /These controll what if any channel you join
var joinChatAfterGame = false; // join chat after leaving a game (这儿必须改为true)
var joinRandomChannel = false; // if this is true, will join a random channel, otherwise it will use the channel below..
var joinChannelInChat = "set a channel"; // Channel you want your bot to join, leave blank to not join a private channel(设定一个自己喜欢的聊天频道,必须和leech的文件设置匹配,所以请记住它的名字,后面配置leech文件要用)
var joinChatAfterGame = true; // join chat after leaving a game
var joinRandomChannel = false; // if this is true, will join a random channel, otherwise it will use the channel below..
var joinChannelInChat = "cn"; // Channel you want your bot to join, leave blank to not join a private channel
/////////////////////////////////////// // These will let you send a message with a game name password and time to your leechers
// Game Message Settings: // // var saygamename must be true for any of these to work
/////////////////////////////////////// // You cant NOT have a - in you game name it will bug it out
var saygamename = true; // Must be true for any of the game message settings to work
var nextgamemessage = "next game should be"; // This will come befor your next game name eg "New game is"
var saypassword = true; // This will togle if the bot says your game pw
var saytime = true; // This will togle if the bot says how much time till creation
var timemessage = "in about"; // This will come after your pw and b |