// DC设定 // DClone config
Config.StopOnDClone = true; // 发现DC后立即回城。 // Go to town and idle as soon as Diablo walks the Earth
Config.SoJWaitTime = 5; // 发现出售soj后在离开游戏前在游戏内等待的时间,单位:分钟。0为禁用。 // Time in minutes to wait for another SoJ sale before leaving game. 0 = disabled
Config.KillDclone = true; // 前往Palace Cellar 3尝试击杀DC,请注意身上不能携带anni。 // Go to Palace Cellar 3 and try to kill Diablo Clone. Pointless if you already have Annihilus.
Config.DCloneQuit = false; // 1 = quit when Diablo walks, 2 = quit on soj sales, 0 = disabled
Scripts.DiabloHelper = false; // 多人游戏里帮手运行的Chaos脚本。不开封印只打怪。 // Chaos helper, kills monsters and doesn't open seals on its own.
Config.DiabloHelper.Wait = 1200; // 等待leader的时间,单位:秒。 // Seconds to wait for a runner to be in Chaos. If Config.Leader is set, it will wait only for the leader.
Config.DiabloHelper.Entrance = true; // 是否从进门处开始清理,如果为false则从五角星处开始清理。 // Start from entrance. Set to false to start from star.
Config.DiabloHelper.SkipTP = false; // 不等待Leader的传送门,直接自己跑到Chaos门口清理完小怪后等待Leader。 // Don't wait for town portal and directly head to chaos. It will clear monsters around chaos entrance and wait for the runner.
Config.DiabloHelper.SkipIfBaal = true; // 队伍中有人在干baal,自动结束脚本。 // End script if there are party members in a Baal run.