* Main commands:
* 1 - take leader's tp from town / move to leader's town
* 2 - take leader's tp to town
* 3 - town manager
* c - get corpse
* p - pick items
* s - toggle stop
* <charname> s - toggle stop <charname>
* Attack:
* a - attack toggle for all
* <charname> a - attack toggle for <charname>
* aon - attack on for all
* <charname> aon - attack on for <charname>
* aoff - attack off for all
* <charname> aoff - attack off for <charname>
* Teleport: *** characters without teleport skill will ignore tele command ***
* tele - toggle teleport for all
* <charname> tele - toggle teleport for <charname>
* tele on - teleport on for all
* <charname> tele on - teleport on for <charname>
* tele off - teleport off for all
* <charname> tele off - teleport off for <charname>
* Skills: *** refer to skills.txt ***
* all skill <skillid> - change skill for all. refer to skills.txt
* <charname> skill <skillid> - change skill for <charname>
* <class> skill <skillid> - change skill for all characters of certain class *** any part of class name will do *** for example: "sorc skill 36", "zon skill 0", "din skill 106"
* Auras: *** refer to skills.txt ***
* all aura <skillid> - change aura for all paladins
* <charname> aura <skillid> - change aura for <charname>
* Town:
* a2-5 - move to appropriate act (after quest) !NOTE: Disable 'no sound' or game will crash!
* talk <npc name> - talk to a npc in town
* Misc.
* cow - enter red cow portal
* wp - all players activate a nearby wp
* <charname> wp - <charname> activates a nearby wp
* bo - barbarian precast
* <charname> tp - make a TP. Needs a TP tome if not using custom libs.
* move - move in a random direction (use if you're stuck by followers)
* reload - reload script. Use only in case of emergency, or after editing character config.
* quit - exit game
稍微看了一下 似乎指令操作上比白板MAP較麻煩一些
技能是否會自動施放 藥水呢? NEC骷髏招喚觸發方式? |