// Attack Configuration
// Specify your attack skills below. NOTE: Constants for all skill ids can be found in "scripts
NTConfig_AttackSkill[0] = -1; // This skill is used once whenever attacking a new target. Set to -1 to
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] = MWS_CHAIN_LIGHTNING; // Primary skill to bosses.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[2] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to boss. Set to -1 to deactivate.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[3] = MWS_CHAIN_LIGHTNING; // Primary skill to others.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[4] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to others. Set to -1 to deactivate.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[5] = MWS_CHAIN_LIGHTNING; // Secondary skill in case monster is immune to primary
skill. Set to -1 to deactivate.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[6] = -1; // Secondary untimed skill. Set to -1 to deactivate.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[7] = -1; // Alternative untimed skill which is used if the target is immune to your
untimed skill - mostly useful for FB/FO/Meteor sorcs or other sorcs that are using the same untimed skills.
Set to -1 to deactivate.
// Set to true if you want to clear area after killing boss. NOTE: This only affects a few
NTConfig_ClearPosition = true;
// Set to true to clear area when killing a boss and the position is crowded by monsters. NOTE:
Setting this to true may cause NTA_KillMonster() to fail way more often.
MWConfig_ClearBossPosition = false;
// This is the number of attacks to be performed before the the character tries to move to another
position. Set to 0 not to reposition.
MWConfig_AttacksBeforeRepositioning = 50;
// Define a time limit for your attacks for each type of monster.
MWConfig_AttackTimeLimit[0] = 20; // Maximum time in seconds to attack a normal monster
MWConfig_AttackTimeLimit[1] = 120; // Maximum time in seconds to attack a super unique monster
MWConfig_AttackTimeLimit[2] = 30; // Maximum time in seconds to attack a champion
MWConfig_AttackTimeLimit[3] = 120; // Maximum time in seconds to attack a bosse
MWConfig_AttackTimeLimit[4] = 30; // Maximum time in seconds to attack a minion
// Define when a monster is considered immune by entering the index of one or more of your attack
skills. As an example: [1, 3] means that a monster is considered immune if it is immune to both
NTConfig_AttackSkill[1] and NTConfig_AttackSkill[3], whatever those may be.
MWConfig_CheckImmunitySkills = [];
// Select the behaviour of your character when encountering a monsters that is considered immune
referring to the definition above.
// 0: Don't do anything. (D2NT default)
// 1: Get close to the monster, use static field if the monster is not immune to lightning.
// 2: Skip the monster.
// 3: Attack the monster using NTConfig_AttackSkill[8] and NTConfig_AttackSkill[9]
NTConfig_BehaviourOnImmuneMonster = 1;
NTConfig_AttackSkill[8] = -1; // Skill to be used against user defined immunes.
NTConfig_AttackSkill[9] = -1; // Untimed Skill to be used against user defined immunes. |