//NTConfig_NIPFilePath.push(\"Master/Gold Potions Runes Gems Essences Keys Organs.nip\");
NTConfig_SnagRange = 40; // Radius to check for dropped items. 40 is a good number here
// Runeword configuration
// Format: NTConfig_Runeword.push([base item classid, rune1 classid, rune2 classid....]);
// Use NTItemAlias.ntl to find classids
// Base item needs to be in the pickit, rest is picked auto.
// To keep a runeword, include NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"pickit syntax\"); after NTConfig_Runeword.push
// BOT組符文組 鑲才需自備.符文BOT找
// 格式 NTConfig_Runeword.push([鑲才 classid, 符文1 classid, 符文2 classid....]);
// 符文必須照順序填入
// 保留格式 NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"pickit syntax\");
// classid請在sdk\\classid.txt或\\scripts\\libs\\common\\NTItemAlias.ntl可以找到
// 沒用過 不知是否會用海爾洗 會洗的話是個好東西
NTConfig_MakeRunewords = false;
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([498, 616, 619, 618, 620]); // sacred targe, tal, thul, ort, amn SPIRIT
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == sacredtarge # [fcr] >= 35\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([447, 616, 619, 618, 620]); // monarch, tal, thul, ort, amn SPIRIT
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == monarch # [fcr] >= 35\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([29, 616, 619, 618, 620]); // crystal sword, tal, thul, ort, amn SPIRIT
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == crystalsword # [fcr] >= 35\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([254, 617, 612, 616, 621]); // Colossus Voulge, ral, tir, tal, sol
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == ColossusVoulge # [fcr] >= 35\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([255, 617, 612, 616, 621]); // thresher, ral, tir, tal, sol
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == thresher # [fcr] >= 35\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([256, 617, 612, 616, 621]); // cryptic axe, ral, tir, tal, sol
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == crypticaxe # [fcr] >= 35\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([21, 627, 635, 630, 619]); // flail ko, vex, pul, thul
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == flail # [fcr] >= 40\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([21, 620, 617, 632, 633, 636]); // flail amn, ral, mal, ist, ohm
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == flail # [IAS] >= 40\");
//NTConfig_Runeword.push([29, 620, 617, 632, 633, 636]); // crystal sword amn, ral, mal, ist, ohm
NTConfig_KeepRuneword.push(\"[name] == crystalsword # [IAS] >= 40\");
// Cubing configuration
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