本帖最后由 ogm992 于 2019-5-2 21:46 编辑
var AutoMule = {
Mules: {
"Mule1": {
muleProfile: "mule", // The name of mule profile in d2bot#. It will be started and stopped when needed.
accountPrefix: "gor888", // Account prefix. Numbers added automatically when making accounts.
accountPassword: "0000", // Account password.
charPrefix: "fdkasuvff", // Character prefix. Suffix added automatically when making characters.
realm: "uswest", // Available options: "useast", "uswest", "europe", "asia"
expansion: true,
ladder: true,
hardcore: false,
charsPerAcc: 8, // Maximum number of mules to create per account (between 1 to 18)
// Game name and password of the mule game. Never use the same game name as for mule logger.
muleGameName: ["gorkvu-", "00"], // ["gamename", "password"]
// List of profiles that will mule items. Example: enabledProfiles: ["profile 1", "profile 2"],
enabledProfiles: ["so"],
// Stop a profile prior to muling. Useful when running 8 bots without proxies.
stopProfile: "",
stopProfileKeyRelease: false, // true = stopProfile key will get released on stop. useful when using 100% of your keys for botting.
// Trigger muling at the end of a game if used space in stash and inventory is equal to or more than given percent.
usedStashTrigger: 70,
usedInventoryTrigger: 70,
// Mule items that have been stashed at some point but are no longer in pickit.
muleOrphans: true
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