//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPassiveChaosLeader.ntj"); // passive chaos leader script for NTPassiveChaosLeecher
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTPassiveChaosLeecher.ntj");// passive chaos leecher script. MUST use NTPassiveChaosLeader with it
//NTConfig_Script.push("NTDiabloLeechFight.ntj"); // (NTConfig_Leader must be configured above).
NTConfig_LeechFrom = "S"; // (E)ntrance | (S)tar (Must match leader's setting).
NTConfig_TakeTpDiablo = "config me"; // Message from leader signifying you to take portal. (Must be different than Baal & Trav tp messages.)
NTConfig_UseChatCommandPortal = true; // Use portal after TakeTpDiablo message? (False will attempt t