The Establishment of Quantum Mechanics and the eva1uation System of Scientific and Technological Innovation— In Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary ofthe Establishment of Planch Quantum Theory
HE Zuo-xiu
(Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, 100080, China)
Abstract: The establishment and development of quantum mechanics lay down the theoretical foundation for the development of atomic energy, computer, fiber-optical communication and laser technology. It also attests to the scientificalness of the theory that science.and technology are the first productive force. The development of quantum mechanics argues that Jiang Zeming's theory on "Three Representativesthe fundamental criterion of the eva1uation system of scientific and technological innovation.
Key words:quantum mechanics; scientific and technological innovation; eva1uation system
可以大胆假设,也需要小心求证,用不着假冒科学发现,没找着愣说是找着了,把假说当作是真理,欺骗领袖欺骗党也欺骗人民。所以,在寻找夸克失败之后,盖尔曼1994年在《The Quark and The Jaguar》一书坦诚地写道:“当我提出夸克时,从一开始我就相信……夸克是归结为‘数学的’,它大大不同于我称之为‘实在的夸克’的东西,后者是指它有可能出现,从而可以单独地被检测到的。……不幸的是,许许多多的作者们忽略了我的关于术语‘数学的’和‘实在的’的解释……而宣称:我不相信夸克是有的! ”有就是有,没有就是没有,是什么就是什么,这本来就是一个自由探索的领域。