/ /Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Amethyst"]); // Make Perfect Amethyst
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Topaz"]); // Make Perfect Topaz
/ /Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Sapphire"]); // Make Perfect Sapphire
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Emerald"]); // Make Perfect Emerald
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Ruby"]); // Make Perfect Ruby
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Diamond"]); // Make Perfect Diamond
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Gem, "Flawless Skull"]); // Make Perfect Skull
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Token]); // Make Token of Absolution
//Config. Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Pul Rune"]); // Upgrade Pul to Um
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Um Rune"]); // Upgrade Um to Mal
// Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Mal Rune"]); // Upgrade Mal to Ist
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune, "Ist Rune"]); // Upgrade Ist to Gul
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Rune,"Gul Rune"]); // Upgrade Gul to Vex
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Caster.Amulet]); // Craft Caster Amulet
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Blood.Ring]); // Craft Blood Ring
//Config.Recipes. push([Recipe.Blood.Helm, "Armet"]); // Craft Blood Armet
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.HitPower.Gloves, "Vambraces"]); // Craft Hit Power Vambraces
// The gems not used by other recipes will be used for magic item rerolling.
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Reroll.Magic, "Diadem"]); // Reroll magic Diadem
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe .Reroll.Magic, "Grand Charm"]); // Reroll magic Grand Charm (ilvl 91+)
/* Base item for the following recipes must be in pickit. The rest of the ingredients will be auto-picked.
* Use Roll.Eth, Roll.NonEth or Roll.All to determine what kind of base item to roll - ethereal, non -ethereal or all.
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Weapon, "Thresher", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Thresher
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket. Weapon, "Cryptic Axe", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Cryptic Axe
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Armor, "Sacred Armor", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Sacred Armor
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Socket.Armor, "Archon Plate", Roll.Eth]); // Socket ethereal Archon Plate
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToExceptional, "Heavy Gloves", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Bloodfist to Exceptional
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToExceptional , "Light Gauntlets", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Magefist to Exceptional
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToElite, "Sharkskin Gloves", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Bloodfist or Grave Palm to Elite
//Config.Recipes.push([Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToElite, "Battle Gauntlets", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Magefist or Lavagout to Elite
//Config.Recipes.push([ Recipe.Unique.Armor.ToElite, "War Boots", Roll.NonEth]); // Upgrade Gore Rider to Elite
// Skip immune monsters. Possible options: "fire", "cold", "lightning", "poison", "physical", "magic"跳過免疫怪物。可能的選擇:“火”,“冷”,“閃電”,“毒藥”,“物理”,“魔法”.
// You can combine multiple resists with "and", for example - "fire and cold", " physical and cold and poison"你可以將多個抗拒劑與“和”結合起來,例如- “火與冷”, “物理與寒冷和毒藥”"
Config.SkipImmune = [];
// Skip enchanted monsters. Possible options: "extra strong", "extra fast", "cursed", "magic resistant", "fire enchanted", "lightning enchanted", "cold enchanted", "mana burn", "teleportation ", "spectral hit", "stone skin", "multiple shots".跳過魔法怪物。可能的選擇:“超強”,“超快速”,“詛咒”,“魔法抗性”,“火魔法”,“閃電魔法”,“寒冷魔法”,“法力燃燒”,“傳送”,“光譜命中” ,“石頭皮膚”,“多次射擊
// You can combine multiple enchantments with "and", for example - "cursed and extra fast", "mana burn and extra strong and lightning enchanted"你可以將多個附魔與“和”結合起來,例如- “詛咒和超快”,“法力燃燒,超強和閃電迷住
Config.SkipEnchant = [];
// Skip monsters with auras. Possible options: "fanaticism", "might" , "
/* Auto Skill根據用戶定義的數組構建角色,並取代Auto Build的技能係統.
* AutoSkill將自動消耗技能點,並且還可以根據需要分配任何必備技能.
* Format: Config .AutoSkill.Build = [[skillID, count, satisfy], [skillID, count, satisfy], ... [skillID, count, satisfy]];*格式:Config.AutoSkill.Build = [[技能ID,計數,滿足],[技能ID,計數,滿足],... [技能ID,計數,滿足]];
* skill - skill id number (see /sdk/skills.txt)*技能-技能ID號(請參閱/ sdk/skills.txt)
* count - maximum number of skill points to allocate for that skill* count -為該技能分配的最大技能點數
* satisfy - boolean value to stop(true) or continue(false) further allocation until count is met. Defaults to true if not specified.* satisfy -要停止(true)或繼續(false)進一步分配的布爾值,直到滿足count為止。如果未指定,則默認為true。
*有關Config.AutoSkill.Build示例,請參閱libs / config / Templates / AutoSkillExampleBuilds.txt。
Config.AutoSkill.Enabled = false; //啟用或禁用AutoSkill系統
Config.AutoSkill.Save = 0; //不會花費和保存的技能點數
Config.AutoSkill.Build = [];
* AutoStat根據用戶定義的數組構建字符,這將取代AutoBuild的統計系統。
* AutoStat將統計Build數組順序。您可能首先需要統計力量或靈巧度以滿足項目要求。
*格式:Config.AutoStat.Build = [[statType,stat],[statType,stat],... [statType,stat];
* statType - defined as string, or as corresponding stat integer. "strength" or 0 , "dexterity" or 2, "vitality" or 3, "energy" or 1* statType -定義為字符串或相應的stat整數。“力量”或0,“靈巧”或2,“活力”或3,“能量”或1
* stat -設置為整數值,它將花費統計點,直到達到所需的* hard stat值(* +來自項目的統計數據被忽略)。
*有關Config.AutoStat.Build示例,請參閱libs / config / Templates / AutoStatExampleBuilds.txt。
Config.AutoStat.Enabled = false; //啟用或禁用AutoStat系統
Config.AutoStat.Save = 0; //不會花費和保存的數字統計點。
Config.AutoStat.BlockChance = 0; //設置為所需塊機會的整數值。這在經典中被忽略了。
Config.AutoStat.UseBulk = true; //設置為true以同時花費多個統計點(最多100個),或者設置為一次消耗單個點。
Config.AutoStat.Build = [];