Scripts.ShopBot = true; // SHOPBOT脚本,启动后会忽略除shopbot.nip之外的拾取文件。 // Shopbot script. Automatically uses shopbot.nip and ignores other pickits.
// Supported NPCs: Akara, Elzix, Fara, Drognan, Ormus, Asheara, Anya. Multiple NPCs are also supported, example: ["Elzix", "Fara"]
// Use common sense when combining NPCs. Shopping in different acts will probably lead to bugs.
Config.ShopBot.ShopNPC = "Akara"; // 需要shop的NPC,名称在上方。
// Put item classid numbers or names to scan (remember to put quotes around names). Leave blank to scan ALL items. See libs/config/templates/ShopBot.txt