出门bo,然后召唤出大师,再bo,能量耗散,倒钝用上。让pet和影子顶在前面,自己在后面用shift放飞镖就行,5pp以下像切菜一样。作者: xgo 时间: 2016-1-12 10:15
第一学习作者: xgo 时间: 2016-1-12 10:17
第二,这帖子不会像老农当年的帖子那样太监了吧作者: ningerte 时间: 2016-1-12 11:21
[quote=xgo,174115]第二,这帖子不会像老农当年的帖子那样太监了吧[/quote] 单机先测试 测试好了发上来作者: 白色曼陀螺 时间: 2016-1-12 15:08
看了下技能介绍,飞镖点数投入的回报率也太低了,感觉1点和20点基本没区别,还不如把点数投到影子大师或者陷阱技能上。作者: 白色曼陀螺 时间: 2016-1-12 15:11
Effect: Using this skill, the Assassin throws several small blades, shredding her enemies with a barrage of metal.
Blade Fury doesn\'t use up durability of weapons, thus qualifies for etheral weapons.
Blade Fury will attack constantly with 6 frames per second. It does not work with Burst of Speed or any other increased (or decreased) attack speed.
Blade Fury is indeed dependant on your attack rating although that\'s not displayed. Check your chances of hitting a monster with a normal attack to determine your chance with Blade Fury.
Blade Fury does not work with pierce or exploding arrow effects.
Blade Fury works with effects on striking, but not on attack. Therefore, Curses and other effects can be triggered very fast. Additional skillpoints only yield negligible damage increase which is not further modified. The 3/4 of your weapon, however, benefit from all damage enchancers, e.g. the Claw Mastery (if the weapon is a claw).