/ *最少量的药水。如果我们少了,去供应商购买更多。
* /
Config.MinColumn [0] = 3;
Config.MinColumn [1] = 3;
Config.MinColumn [2] = 0;
Config.MinColumn [3] = 0;作者: 28846579 时间: 2018-4-16 19:08
有种情形下,用佣兵打免疫怪的时候,药水用完是不会去买的作者: zfmosquito 时间: 2018-4-16 22:56
// General config
Config.AutoMap = false; // Set to true to open automap at the beginning of the game.
Config.LastMessage = ""; // Message or array of messages to say at the end of the run. Use $nextgame to say next game - "Next game: $nextgame" (works with lead entry point)
Config.MinGameTime = 60; // Min game time in seconds. Bot will TP to town and stay in game if the run is completed before.
Config.MaxGameTime = 0; // Maximum game time in seconds. Quit game when limit is reached.
Config.TeleSwitch = false; // Switch to slot II when teleporting more than 1 node.
Config.OpenChests = false; // Open chests. Controls key buying.
Config.MiniShopBot = true; // Scan items in NPC shops.
Config.PacketShopping = false; // Use packets to shop. Improves shopping speed.
Config.TownCheck = false; // Go to town if out of potions 这里设置为true,腰带里没有药水了就立刻回城买
Config.LogExperience = false; // Print experience statistics in the manager.
Config.PingQuit = [{Ping: 0, Duration: 0}]; // Quit if ping is over the given value for over the given time period in seconds.