标题: 求助,kolbot我的跟随德为什么不一直变身,总是变来变去的 [打印本页] 作者: kenandd 时间: 2018-3-5 21:39 标题: 求助,kolbot我的跟随德为什么不一直变身,总是变来变去的 用的跟随小德,设置如下,总是打怪时才变身,打完就变回来,怎么能让他一直变身呢?我试了Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill.这里用werewolf技能也不行。
//技能设定 详细技能代码请查阅\d2bs\kolbot\sdk,
Config.AttackSkill[0] = -1; // Preattack skill.
Config.AttackSkill[1] = 248; // Primary skill to bosses.
Config.AttackSkill[2] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to bosses. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[1] is untimed skill.
Config.AttackSkill[3] = 248; // Primary skill to others.
Config.AttackSkill[4] = -1; // Primary untimed skill to others. Keep at -1 if Config.AttackSkill[3] is untimed skill.
Config.AttackSkill[5] = -1; // Secondary skill if monster is immune to primary.
Config.AttackSkill[6] = -1; // Secondary untimed skill if monster is immune to primary untimed.
// Low mana skills - these will be used if main skills can't be cast.
Config.LowManaSkill[0] = 0; // Timed low mana skill.
Config.LowManaSkill[1] = 0; // Untimed low mana skill.
/* Advanced Attack config. Allows custom skills to be used on custom monsters.
* Format: "Monster Name": [timed skill id, untimed skill id]
* Example: "Baal": [38, -1] to use charged bolt on Baal
* Multiple entries are separated by commas
Config.CustomAttack = {
//"Monster Name": [-1, -1]
Config.Dodge = false; // 远距离攻击模式,像sor一般请设置为true。近身职业请设置为false。 // Move away from monsters that get too close. Don't use with short-ranged attacks like Poison Dagger.
Config.DodgeRange = 18; // 距离怪物多远进行攻击。 // Distance to keep from monsters.
Config.DodgeHP = 100; // 血量低于多少百分比开始启用远距离攻击模式。100为总是启用远距离攻击模式。 // Dodge only if HP percent is less than or equal to Config.DodgeHP. 100 = always dodge.
Config.BossPriority = false; // 是否优先击杀金怪。 // Set to true to attack Unique/SuperUnique monsters first when clearing
Config.ClearType = 0; // 清场模式:0xF为跳过普通怪物,0为所有怪物全部清理。 // Monster spectype to kill in level clear scripts (ie. Mausoleum). 0xF = skip normal, 0x7 = champions/bosses, 0 = all
Config.TeleStomp = false; // 使用佣兵攻击免疫怪物。 // Use merc to attack bosses if they're immune to attacks, but not to physical damage
// Wereform setup. Make sure you read Templates/Attacks.txt for attack skill format.
Config.Wereform = 1; // 0 / false - don't shapeshift, 1 / "Werewolf" - change to werewolf, 2 / "Werebear" - change to werebear
// 职业特殊设定
// Class specific config
Config.SummonRaven = false;
Config.SummonAnimal = "Grizzly"; // 0 = disabled, 1 or "Spirit Wolf" = summon spirit wolf, 2 or "Dire Wolf" = summon dire wolf, 3 or "Grizzly" = summon grizzly
Config.SummonSpirit = "Oak Sage"; // 0 = disabled, 1 / "Oak Sage", 2 / "Heart of Wolverine", 3 / "Spirit of Barbs"
Config.SummonVine = "Poison Creeper"; // 0 = disabled, 1 / "Poison Creeper", 2 / "Carrion Vine", 3 / "Solar Creeper"